We breathe, we feel, we move,
we live with passion

We are all dancers

Let's build the world's largest dance community together!

⇣ Select a profile to find out how we can achieve it ⇣

I'm a dance lover

I wanna learn, practice, improve, travel and dance as much as possible

I'm a professional

Dance is my life and I live to share my passion with others

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We are looking for the same things

As dancers,
we are all fond of ...

Dance Challenges

Participate to the dance contests and challenges to win exclusive prizes such as Full-passes, regular party entries, goodies and so on.

Dance stores

You have just been informed that there is a dress code for the evening. Find the nearest dance shops to save your evening.

Loyalty programs

Get interesting offers from our partners to make the most of your passion.

Trip list sharing

Share your event wish list with us. We will come back with some good deals made for you.

Your passion follow you in every world

By your side,
anywhere, anytime

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We are looking for the same things

As dancers, we all seek to ...

Join the largest community of dancers

Wanna dance with us?

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let's build a professional network together

Wanna work with pros?

Dance wherever you are,
wherever you go

© 2022 – All rights reserved to WannaDance
Made with ❤ by dance lovers

are good

for dancers :)

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